Just a quick update: I've been participating in speed modelling challenges, hosted over in #smc on Freenode IRC network. Basically a load of people participate, and we all model the same thing. Then a thread is automatically created with the uploaded renders at blenderartists(.com) and people vote on them. Yesterday we modelled a breadbin in 30 minutes. Here is my result:
As to the car; I've done a bit of tweaking, and I'm going to be finishing the modelling and adding materials next! Hurray!
Hey everyone! Sorry for the long time updating. As I've said in previous posts, it's difficult for me to update frequently whilst I'm still at school; Homework and afterschool activities take up my free time, as well as studying for my GCSEs. However, I have been doing a bit of work in blender, mainly with the animation system. As I (think) I've said in previous posts, I actually first downloaded blender so I could animate in 3D, but I got so mixed up with learning the UI and how to model, I never really animated at all! However, I'm now starting to animate more. I signed up for the 11 second club, and have already improved from when I joined! Over at the site they have these "Mini-Challenges", each week. Last week was a bouncing ball. Here are my 3 results. A special thanks to Staker for helping me :). Here are my three results, starting with the first, and then going to the third:
I'm really really happy with my progress so far, and I will continue to get more and more advanced :D. Feel free to leave comments, and keep an eye on here, half term is coming up so I will probably be able to do more work.